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Company Profile
Founded in 2001, Aeonmed is a leading domestic R&D and manufacturing enterprise for anesthesia and respiratory medical equipment. The products cover two business segments. The first is anesthesia and solutions for operating room. Its products include anesthesia machines, operating lights, operating tables, ceiling pendants, patient monitors, infusion pumps, warming blankets and digital operating room solutions. The second is the mechanical ventilation and respiratory disease management. Its products include ventilators, respiratory monitors, high flow oxygen therapy, homecare ventilators, sleep monitoring, nebulized drug delivery and digital ICU solutions. With reliable product quality and thoughtful customer service, Aeonmed has independently developed and produced anesthesia machines, ventilators and other products for both the domestic and international market for nearly a decade. Our domestic business covers top level hospitals, city and county hospitals, primary health care and public health institutions, private medical institutions, government procurement and grants for NGOs. Aeonmed’s Emergency Ventilator won the bid for the official ventilator of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and was successfully deployed throughout the course of the games. As a socially conscious supplier and manufacturer, Aeonmed has been responsible for responding to major disasters, including SARS and Wenchuan Earthquake. Aeonmed’s products are also equipped on the 866 Medical Ship and the Liaoning Aircraft Carrier, thus showing our solidarity with the motherland. Aeonmed actively participates in the international market and maintains branches in the United States, Germany, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Indonesia and India. At present, 61 products have obtained CE certification by the European Union, with products sold to more than 160 countries and regions around the world. Further, sel ect models of anesthesia machine and ICU ventilator that were developed by Aeonmed satisfied the FDA 510K compliance standard and entered the US market in 2008 and 2013 respectively. Over the years, Aeonmed has successively undertaken various national, provincial and ministerial-level, key scientific research projects, including the National Science and Technology Support Program, the Torch Program, and the National High-Performance Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Equipment. The company has also won National key high-tech enterprises, including Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprise, Beijing Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Leap-forward Development Project (G20 Project) industry leading enterprise, Beijing Key Headquarters Enterprise, Beijing Private Enterprise Top 100 Technology Innovation, Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone “100-000 Project”, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Five-Star Gazelle Enterprise, Credit Double Hundred Enterprises and many other recognitions and honors. Since its inception, Aeonmed has always adhered to scientific and technological innovation. In Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, the United States, and Germany, our five major R&D centers work around the clock striving for the best in product quality. The annual R&D expenditure of Aeonmed exceeds 10% of total sales revenue. Aeonmeds “Manufacture, Academy, Research and Application” platform has strong technical strength, and the evaluation laboratory has passed CNAS certification. It has also established the Beijing Key Laboratory “Lung Injury and Infection Laboratory” and “Mechanical Ventilation Clinical Research” with the PLA General Hospital. Together with the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, established the Respiratory and Anesthetic Medical Engineering Joint Research Center, successively rated as Beijing Enterprise Technology Center, Beijing Surgical and Critical Care System Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing Design Innovation Center, Base for the Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation for Hospital Surgery and Critical System Engineering. By the end of 2020, Aeonmed had filed 1,200 patents, including 800 invention patents. Aeonmed has won the China Innovation Design Red Star Award, Germany IF Design Award and German Red Dot Design Award. Aeonmed has also been recognized as China Famous Trademark, Beijing Famous Brand, China Patent Award, National Intellectual Property Leading Enterprise, Beijing Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, Beijing Intellectual Property Management Standardization Unit, Zhongguancun Key Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, Zhongguancun Trademark Pilot Unit, Zhongguancun Patent Insurance Pilot Unit, as well as many other accolades. Aeonmed has considerable influence in the industry. It is the Corporate Director Executive of the China Medical Device Industry Association, the Corporate Executive Director of China Biomedical Engineering Society, and the Corporate Executive Director of China Medical Equipment Association. In the field of formulating the industry policy and standards for respiratory and anesthesia, Aeonmed is at the forefront of working to recommend and draft the medical respiratory standards, the medical respiratory humi difier special requirements, anesthesia and ventilator industry standards, anesthesia vaporizer industry standards , as well as digital operating room industry standards. In 2019, Aeonmed sucessfully acquired HEYER Medical AG (hereinafer referred to as HEYER), which is a Germany company founded in 1883, acted as an internationally recognized enterprise in the field of the operating room and ICU medical equipment. Adding the HEYER products to the Aeonmed portfolio represents Aeonmed’s mission to become a global leader in medical device innovation and production. Guard Life Sincerely is the sacred mission of Aeonmed. Reliable products, thoughtful service is our Corporate value and code of conduct, and our everlasting commitment to our customers. Looking towards to the future, Aeonmed’s team is passionately committed to fulfill its mission, to be an expert in the fields of both anesthesia and respiratory.
Add: Building 9, No.26 Outer Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 100070, China
Exhibitors Product
  • SUN系列医用升温毯

    智能恒温 · 温暖护航 治疗围手术期低温症升温、复温、恒温 智能监测 实时监测患者体温变化,历史数据随用随查 安全有效 三重防过热保护,五种报警装置,多种警戒方式,共同守护患者安全 舒适易用 即插即用,一键式操作,提供无缝加温衔接 防褥疮设计,患者使用舒适 符合层流手术室标准 外观设计不影响手术区气流走向,保障手术室无菌层流,降低感染率 两种型号,多种选择 SUN5单通路主机可连接多型号加温毯/垫,便捷按键式操作 SUN6双通路主机可同时连接多型号加温毯/垫,智能触摸屏操作

  • 急救型呼吸机 Shangrila 510S

    动随急重之需,静守生命无恙 适用场合广泛的多功能重症急救转运呼吸机 结构紧凑,小巧便携 适用于院前、院内、院间转运

  • OL9700 系列LED手术无影灯

    智能点亮生命,智慧创造未来 OL9700系列LED无影灯采用了新颖的设计理念,取得多项重要专利技术, 拥有出色的照明效果、优异的操作功能和稳定性, 是符合现代数字化手术室要求的理想手术无影灯产品。 多组曲面镜反射器 可最大程度的减少光线损失,降低能耗,并得到舒适的光斑 头部遮挡感应 自动监测医生头部遮挡,调整遮挡区域亮度, 同时亦可降低医生头部温升 内窥镜照明 特殊设计的内窥镜照明功能,设置在边缘扶手内, 可为内窥镜手术提供适宜的照明

  • CP8000/CP6000系列吊塔、吊桥

    CP8000/CP6000系列吊塔、吊桥 灵动的空中生命线 安全灵活地提供手术支持,打造整洁、有效的现代化医疗工作环境。 流畅的外观设计 整体风格简单明快,做工精良 流线型外观,优雅大气,符合医院层流净化要求 主箱体模块化 主箱体由多个模块组合拼装,可以相对旋转,能够适应不同方位的使用需求 气电模块化 气电终端可以按需增加,配置灵活 为后期软硬件升级提供拓展空间 新一代大负载转轴 刹车标识一一对应,方便操作识别 内置机械刹车,可选配气刹、电磁刹车, 定位准确,避免漂移 数字化旋臂,空间增大70% 具备信息化改造的拓展空间,支持手术室各种线缆的布设需求 同时支持多路网线、光纤、VGA视频线、BNC视频线等线缆通过

  • OP830 电动液压手术台

    手术本源 · 贵在舒适 OP830电动液压手术床承重高、摆动量极小、性能稳定, 适用于普外科、骨科、妇产科等手术使用,是一台综合型手术设备。 优质304不锈钢材质 坚固美观且便于清洁消毒 内置腰桥 方便肾脏和胆囊手术 床垫选用可透X线材料 防水材质,便于消毒杀菌

  • VT5250危重症治疗型呼吸机

    VT5250 民族品牌 · 惠及万众 VT5250危重症治疗型呼吸机,是谊安呼吸机在机械通气治疗 和通气感染控制领域的又一里程碑式进步,带给患者舒适的通气保障。 多样的通气模式,丰富的监测参数 肺功能测量、低流速P-V环工具 SBT自主呼吸试验,指导患者脱机 多样化的电源解决方案

  • Aeon7900D麻醉机

    Aeon7900D 轻便小巧,易于携带 在危急时刻、野外环境中紧急开展手术时,保障患者生命安全, 7900D将是您无往不利的品质保障。 集成化设计,外形紧凑流畅 整机通过公路运输、摇摆震动试验和盐雾试验 麻醉呼吸机采用国际通行的流速触发方式 同步模式响应时间短 避免了采用压力触发时出现的触发困难现象 配备氟化物涂敷工艺 处理的小型集成化回路 具备良好的气密性,并方便回路的清洁与维护

  • 麻醉机

    为守护而生 临床麻醉医生作为围术期病人的守护者,不断面临新的挑战, 8800A让您安心守护病人安全。 铝镁合金集成式麻醉回路 35°恒温加热性以及回路导热性,温度分布均匀,为ERAS打造坚实基础 电磁伺服控制呼气末正压(PEEP) 结合PCV-VG模式 可提供肺保护通气策略

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